Little Bridges Stats - Additional

The Little Bridges statistics were last updated on 16 February 2025
Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the third weekend of each month.

If we have missed your cache out, this could be because we have not been able to automatically retrieve your listing. Please contact us to get your listing manually added to our database.

Check out the Little Bridges Additional Stats below!

Some Numbers on Placed caches
Nearest Little Bridges placed: Little Bridges #1 Holt GC1QQE6 United Kingdom
Furthest Little Bridges placed: 414.74 Miles, Little Bridges #1234 Carrbridge GC7FN8R United Kingdom
Most Northerly Little Bridges placed: N 57° 17.019, Little Bridges #1234 Carrbridge GC7FN8R United Kingdom
Most Southerly Little Bridges placed: N 48° 58.140, Little Bridges #152 - Serie Deuil-La-B... GC4RDFH France
Most Easterly Little Bridges placed: E 2° 18.774, Little Bridges #152 - Serie Deuil-La-B... GC4RDFH France
Most Westerly Little Bridges placed: W 7° 38.103, Little Bridges #1432 The water jump GC7XHN4 Ireland
Little Bridges centroid: N 51° 41.167 W 2° 05.410
Youngest Little Bridges placed: 29/08/2024, Little Bridges # 3017 Sandon GCAX895 United Kingdom
Oldest Little Bridges placed: 25/08/2007, Little Bridges # 1733 Every Little Helps.... GC15C89 United Kingdom

True Little Bridges by Miles from Little Bridges #1
  Number Percent  
< 5 110 3.68 %
5 - 10 144 4.81 %
10 - 15 181 6.05 %
15 - 20 414 13.8 %
20 - 25 430 14.3 %
25 - 50 468 15.6 %
50 - 100 496 16.5 %
100 - 250 700 23.4 %
250 - 500 46 1.53 %
> 500 0 0 %

Average Distance: 60 Miles

Placed Little Bridges by Type
  Number Percent  
Traditional 2051 68.6 %
Multi 565 18.9 %
Mystery 289 9.66 %
Letterbox 66 2.20 %
Wherigo 9 0.30 %
Earth 4 0.13 %
Virtual 4 0.13 %

Little Bridges caches by Difficulty Rating

Little Bridges caches by Terrain Rating

Little Bridges Cache Difficulty / Terrain Chart
Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1 8 45 26 19 12 8 3 2 123
1.5 19 795 307 104 24 6 4 1259
2 17 335 384 197 50 9 3 1 1 997
2.5 6 120 100 71 29 6 3 335
3 6 57 44 22 19 6 1 1 156
3.5 1 22 18 10 4 4 3 1 63
4 3 6 8 4 5 2 3 1 32
4.5 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 12
5 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 12
62 1385 892 430 144 42 23 7 4

69 Diff/Terr combinations placed, out of 81
436 (14.5%) placed Little Bridges were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Little Bridges caches found by Found Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 1108 866 578 520 487 453 586 431 511 571 596 497 630 526 457 523 521 423 451 613 491 569 430 488 570 528 513 664 465 609 479 17154
Feb 505 625 451 707 592 576 472 510 420 559 710 619 521 554 542 559 676 801 766 647 675 548 561 604 704 653 799 580 388 X X 17324
Mar 425 457 515 531 682 714 761 565 687 489 662 669 605 604 592 595 599 580 711 676 722 641 712 855 1030 689 841 637 593 863 739 20441
Apr 868 1089 935 786 901 1085 1071 992 1074 1147 1013 698 1085 1054 1073 1015 1031 1116 905 934 1093 1124 943 850 800 851 753 747 945 1008 X 28986
May 1038 1111 862 982 901 969 987 841 796 604 637 880 725 1054 798 700 755 745 874 698 829 808 828 663 794 881 995 1061 1383 1032 1096 27327
Jun 913 916 971 921 734 824 677 709 917 611 808 911 652 609 726 630 837 669 879 804 795 791 814 943 804 759 676 730 750 717 X 23497
Jul 861 828 851 606 782 764 719 956 884 942 804 915 928 855 826 902 783 842 730 883 912 865 813 821 1026 928 912 912 966 1262 1039 27117
Aug 1061 1174 1463 1492 1626 1020 838 801 911 880 954 797 973 852 1047 924 1030 953 1028 1036 993 920 1027 786 993 1285 1123 1166 1087 1088 971 32299
Sep 928 772 699 785 690 836 819 699 672 832 814 835 833 768 879 968 780 663 929 699 750 586 612 687 692 693 639 575 674 614 X 22422
Oct 502 503 573 580 666 615 659 810 822 846 708 546 566 783 767 807 763 606 649 556 511 838 777 725 702 737 723 704 621 635 537 20837
Nov 576 562 576 535 527 475 537 467 464 486 504 565 796 522 490 526 551 494 661 428 446 600 413 368 532 557 390 414 408 488 X 15358
Dec 368 442 399 457 371 418 289 378 469 328 344 393 332 371 344 410 336 301 289 431 433 408 407 415 276 612 630 827 972 991 1057 14498
9153 9345 8873 8902 8959 8749 8415 8159 8627 8295 8554 8325 8646 8552 8541 8559 8662 8193 8872 8405 8650 8698 8337 8205 8923 9173 8994 9017 9252 9307 5918

366 Found Dates, out of 366 (100%)

Placed caches found by Weekday
118942 Weekend Finds (44.5%) : 148318 Weekday Finds (55.5%)

Placed caches found by Month

Data generated using LittleBridges_Additional_Stats V1.0.0 by the SideTracked Series and flookfinders running on GSAK
Themes from pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and FormicaPL

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License .

Some rights reserved