Little Bridges Stats - Additional

The Little Bridges statistics were last updated on 21 September 2024
Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the third weekend of each month.

If we have missed your cache out, this could be because we have not been able to automatically retrieve your listing. Please contact us to get your listing manually added to our database.

Check out the Little Bridges Additional Stats below!

Some Numbers on Placed caches
Nearest Little Bridges placed: Little Bridges #1 Holt GC1QQE6 United Kingdom
Furthest Little Bridges placed: 414.74 Miles, Little Bridges #1234 Carrbridge GC7FN8R United Kingdom
Most Northerly Little Bridges placed: N 57° 17.019, Little Bridges #1234 Carrbridge GC7FN8R United Kingdom
Most Southerly Little Bridges placed: N 48° 58.140, Little Bridges #152 - Serie Deuil-La-B... GC4RDFH France
Most Easterly Little Bridges placed: E 2° 18.774, Little Bridges #152 - Serie Deuil-La-B... GC4RDFH France
Most Westerly Little Bridges placed: W 7° 38.103, Little Bridges #1432 The water jump GC7XHN4 Ireland
Little Bridges centroid: N 51° 41.078 W 2° 05.508
Youngest Little Bridges placed: 21/08/2024, Little Bridges #2987 Bristol Bridge GCAWX1K United Kingdom
Oldest Little Bridges placed: 25/08/2007, Little Bridges # 1733 Every Little Helps.... GC15C89 United Kingdom

True Little Bridges by Miles from Little Bridges #1
  Number Percent  
< 5 110 3.68 %
5 - 10 144 4.82 %
10 - 15 181 6.06 %
15 - 20 414 13.8 %
20 - 25 429 14.3 %
25 - 50 468 15.6 %
50 - 100 495 16.5 %
100 - 250 697 23.3 %
250 - 500 46 1.54 %
> 500 0 0 %

Average Distance: 59 Miles

Placed Little Bridges by Type
  Number Percent  
Traditional 2048 68.6 %
Multi 565 18.9 %
Mystery 287 9.61 %
Letterbox 66 2.21 %
Wherigo 9 0.30 %
Earth 4 0.13 %
Virtual 4 0.13 %

Little Bridges caches by Difficulty Rating

Little Bridges caches by Terrain Rating

Little Bridges Cache Difficulty / Terrain Chart
Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1 8 45 26 19 12 8 3 2 123
1.5 19 795 306 104 24 6 4 1258
2 17 336 383 196 50 9 3 1 1 996
2.5 5 121 99 71 29 6 3 334
3 5 56 44 22 19 6 1 1 154
3.5 1 22 18 10 4 4 3 1 63
4 3 6 8 4 5 2 3 1 32
4.5 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 12
5 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 12
60 1386 889 429 144 42 23 7 4

69 Diff/Terr combinations placed, out of 81
434 (14.5%) placed Little Bridges were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Little Bridges caches found by Found Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 1082 810 535 470 466 437 571 420 502 554 550 437 605 514 434 508 497 353 402 600 457 558 420 481 473 509 502 661 449 567 460 16284
Feb 426 548 431 688 569 554 458 486 365 552 700 604 511 534 542 558 676 798 766 646 672 547 562 603 703 653 797 578 388 X X 16915
Mar 425 457 515 531 682 714 761 565 685 489 662 669 605 604 592 594 599 580 709 675 722 641 712 854 1030 687 839 636 592 863 738 20427
Apr 867 1088 935 786 899 1083 1070 992 1074 1146 1013 698 1085 1053 1073 1015 1031 1117 903 935 1091 1124 942 850 800 848 751 747 944 1006 X 28966
May 1036 1111 862 983 901 968 987 841 796 604 636 881 724 1051 798 700 756 743 873 698 827 808 828 661 793 876 995 1061 1383 1032 1096 27309
Jun 913 916 971 921 733 824 677 709 916 610 807 906 651 609 726 629 836 669 883 798 794 791 813 943 804 758 675 731 749 716 X 23478
Jul 861 827 851 606 781 763 719 955 884 942 803 916 926 849 826 900 783 843 729 883 910 864 813 821 1026 928 911 912 964 1259 1039 27094
Aug 1061 1168 1451 1486 1626 1020 838 801 910 875 954 797 975 852 1045 922 1030 952 1027 1033 992 916 1027 786 989 1282 1120 1164 1085 1084 966 32234
Sep 921 774 695 783 688 835 812 695 667 830 812 831 824 752 863 965 780 654 881 673 671 549 590 656 676 679 603 512 625 600 X 21896
Oct 480 488 526 540 539 545 644 794 793 819 660 501 465 751 736 790 723 584 551 531 492 808 722 684 680 686 640 670 573 571 484 19470
Nov 540 497 461 499 494 440 505 437 402 431 486 528 762 504 469 450 467 469 640 407 433 562 410 358 508 547 383 400 389 445 X 14323
Dec 323 428 388 425 367 403 281 363 463 310 330 377 329 346 315 403 327 291 280 421 403 386 389 389 265 574 600 785 943 941 1003 13848
8935 9112 8621 8718 8745 8586 8323 8058 8457 8162 8413 8145 8462 8419 8419 8434 8505 8053 8644 8300 8464 8554 8228 8086 8747 9027 8816 8857 9084 9084 5786

366 Found Dates, out of 366 (100%)

Placed caches found by Weekday
116543 Weekend Finds (44.4%) : 145701 Weekday Finds (55.6%)

Placed caches found by Month

Data generated using LittleBridges_Additional_Stats V1.0.0 by the SideTracked Series and flookfinders running on GSAK
Themes from pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and FormicaPL

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License .

Some rights reserved