Little Bridges Statistics - Counties

The Little Bridges statistics were last updated on 16 February 2025
Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the third weekend of each month.

These statistics show which and how many Counties you can find a Little Bridges cache

County Number
Avon 877
Wiltshire 430
Devon 247
Cambridgeshire 150
Gloucestershire 120
Dorset 107
Somerset 92
Leicestershire 89
Cornwall 65
Hertfordshire 56
Derbyshire 55
Kent 54
Hampshire 53
Gwent 49
Nottinghamshire 48
Essex 38
Lincolnshire 31
Isle of Wight 29
Surrey 29
Northamptonshire 26
Norfolk 25
Humberside 21
Berkshire 20
Cheshire 18
Oxfordshire 18
Durham 16
Greater London 16
Bedfordshire 15
Warwickshire 15
Buckinghamshire 14
Greater Manchester 14
Powys 12
Hereford and Worcester 10
Londonderry 10
West Glamorgan 10
West Yorkshire 9
Antrim 8
Mid Glamorgan 8
Lancashire 7
West Sussex 7
Central 6
East Sussex 6
North Yorkshire 6
South Glamorgan 6
South Yorkshire 6
Lothian 5
Dyfed 3
Staffordshire 3
Suffolk 3
Tyrone 3
Clwyd 2
Fermanagh 2
Fife 2
Highland 2
Merseyside 2
Strathclyde 2
Braddan 1
Cumbria 1
Donegal 1
Down 1
Gwynedd 1
Monaghan 1
Scottish Borders 1
Shropshire 1
Tayside 1
Tyne and Wear 1
Val-d'Oise 1
West Midlands 1

Data generated by LittleBridges_Counties V1.0.0 by the SideTracked Series and Flookfinders, running on GSAK
Themes from pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and FormicaPL

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